Today is a good day.
Woke up feeling good and full of good cheer & renewed spirit even though I am exhausted. Good cheer because although I would much rather not go to work today, I will trudge forth to my 8 hours of repetitive tasks floating on memories of good dances and a very good salsa set by Cedric Teamer from my excursion to Baltimore to celebrate the opening of a new Monday night dance spot and to honor the recent wedding union Nancy Salsa-Bachata &Brandon Bachata with my papa Tommy Smith. I reconnected with some old faces I hadn’t seen in years and shared some very enjoyable and challenging dances with friends and new dancers alike. Good times indeed.
Renewed spirit because I have finally been delivered from a long, strange, frightful 4 week odyssey without highspeed Internet because Comcast seemed to find good sport in creating inventive excuses for not showing up at 3 separate SCHEDULED installation dates at my new place, punking me with the most nefarious schemes, excuses, and lies to explain why. I suspect the Comcast Customer Service Department at all levels from lowly rep to 3 levels of supervisors I was escalated to DELIGHTED in infuriating me with their circular machavallian ILLOGIC (not a word but it stays). After a furious, explosive cancellation with their trifling butts and a brief flirtation with Verizon actually setting up an appointment and promised alot of lucrative goodies, Comcast finally came through and has reconnected me with the holy grail- high speed internet and premium channels in English and Spanish. Comcast Installers TRIED IT AGAIN with me yesterday by trying to trick us by coming FOUR HOURS earlier than the scheduled appointment window while my hubby and I were both at work. Thankfully, my mom mobilized into swift action and got to my house before the installer could pull out of the driveway armed with YET ANOTHER EXCUSE that we weren’t there for the install- UNBELIEVABLE THESE CLOWNS. Now I can luxuriate again and leisurely work on the large stockpile of videos that have been waiting for me to upload. Life is good again.